Sentry Integration

Learn about Sentry & Oobeya Integration...

1. Generate Sentry Auth Token 🛠️

  1. Click on your account name on Sentry and select the "API keys" as in the following:

2. Click to the "Create New Token" button:

3. Configure the "Scopes" area by selecting permissions and then click the "Create Token" button.

4. Copy and save the auth token.

2. Install Sentry Addon on Oobeya 🧩

  1. Log in to Oobeya with an Administrator account.

  2. Navigate to Market Place, select the Sentry addon, and click the "Install" button.

3. Add A New Data Source 🔌

  1. Navigate to Data Sources, and select Sentry to add a new data source.

2. Click the "New Data Source" button and fill in the form using the Token generated on Sentry in the first step. You can type any name for the "Data Source Name" field.

3. Click the "Test Connection" button to verify the connection.

Ready to Connect 🚀

Now Oobeya is connected with your own Sentry account to diagnose, fix, and optimize the performance of the code.

Next Steps 🎯

Last updated