S1- Recurring high rework rate

This symptom refers to a high rate of coding that needs to be redone or corrected. This could be due to a lack of clear requirements, inadequate testing, or a failure to follow established processes.

Why is this a symptom?

This symptom refers to a high rate of coding that needs to be redone or corrected. This could be due to a lack of clear requirements, inadequate testing, or a failure to follow established processes.

Rework, by definition, wastes time and resources. A high rework rate is costly, time-consuming, and can cause delays, leading to frustration among team members.

Possible Causes

  • Lack of clear requirements

  • User stories with no clear Definition of Done

  • High technical debt & complexity, low-quality code

  • Lack of domain knowledge

  • Lack of knowledge-sharing culture

  • Inadequate testing

  • Failure to follow established processes

Improvement Areas

  • Clarify requirements/user stories

  • Improve testing processes at the development level

  • Establish clear processes for analysis, development, and review

  • Provide additional training as needed

  • Review past instances of rework to identify patterns and root causes

  • Improve knowledge-sharing culture and practices within the team

Detection Method

Oobeya detects this symptom if the rework rate for recurring periods exceeds the specified threshold.

Formula: (churn% > [churn_threshold]%) x[specified_period] recurring periods

Example: During each of the last 3 months, the team has consistently had a rework rate of more than 20%.

Last updated

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