TestRail Integration

Learn about TestRail & Oobeya integration...

1. Enable API Setting on TestRail 🛠️

  1. Click "Administration" on the right as follows:

2. Click "Site Settings":

3. Click to the "API" tab, select the "Enable API" option, and click the "Save Settings" button:

2. Install TestRail Addon on Oobeya 🧩

  1. Log in to Oobeya with an Administrator account.

  2. Navigate to Market Place and select the TestRail addon and then click the "Install" button.

3. Add a New Data Source 🔌

  1. Navigate to Data Sources and select TestRail to add a new data source.

2. Click the "New Data Source" button and fill in the form as :

  • Data Source Name: You can enter any name for your TestRail Data Source.

  • Server URL: Enter this area (ex: https://<yourCompany>.testrail.io).

  • Username: The username that you use to sign in to the TestRail.

  • Password: The password that you use to sign in to the TestRail.

3. Click the "Test Connection" button to verify the connection.

Ready to Connect 🚀

Now Oobeya is connected with your own TestRail Cloud to track & visualize the status of tests with dashboards and reports.

Next Steps 🎯

Last updated